European Research Alliance: Empowered Together

Unite!Widening project

Unite!Widening enhances scientific excellence and maximizes knowledge impact by fostering extensive collaboration across  European universities and partners from diverse regions.

What is Unite!Widening about?

Unlocking New Horizons: Delving into Expansion

The project has been conceived to be a complementary project under the umbrella of the European University Alliance Unite! and aims to further raise excellence in science and in knowledge valorisation of Alliance universities through increased and interwoven cooperation with Universities from Widening and non-Widening countries.

Latest news from Unite!Widening

Empowering the Academic Community for Open Science: Training in Research Data Management and Open Science

Open Science is at the forefront of transforming research and higher education in Europe. By fostering transparency, accessibility, and collaboration, it paves the way for a more inclusive and innovative scientific landscape. Recognizing the crucial role of Research Data Management (RDM) in this transition, Unite!Widening actively supports specialized training programs, making the empowerment of the academic community a strategic priority.

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The XI Unite! Dialogue is coming to Barcelona, hosted by UPC!

From February 25 to 28, the Unite! community will meet in person once again for an edition dedicated to students and their role in shaping the future of the alliance. “Unite! students: our soul, our core” is the theme of this exciting event, packed with activities, interactive workshops, community work sessions, and high-level meetings with university leaders.

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