European Research Alliance: Empowered Together

Unite!Widening project

Unite!Widening enhances scientific excellence and maximizes knowledge impact by fostering extensive collaboration across  European universities and partners from diverse regions.

What is Unite!Widening about?

Unlocking New Horizons: Delving into Expansion

The project has been conceived to be a complementary project under the umbrella of the European University Alliance Unite! and aims to further raise excellence in science and in knowledge valorisation of Alliance universities through increased and interwoven cooperation with Universities from Widening and non-Widening countries.

Latest news from Unite!Widening

Workshop “Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities European EU Mission”

The Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities plays a significant role in contributing to the green transition. It involves local, regional and national authorities, citizens and businesses to deliver 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030 and ensure that these cities act as Experimentation and Innovation Hubs to enable all European cities to follow suit by 2050.

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