European Research Alliance: Empowered Together

Unite!Widening project

Unite!Widening enhances scientific excellence and maximizes knowledge impact by fostering extensive collaboration across  European universities and partners from diverse regions.

What is Unite!Widening about?

Unlocking New Horizons: Delving into Expansion

The project has been conceived to be a complementary project under the umbrella of the European University Alliance Unite! and aims to further raise excellence in science and in knowledge valorisation of Alliance universities through increased and interwoven cooperation with Universities from Widening and non-Widening countries.

Latest news from Unite!Widening

Exploring EU Mission Areas: Major Insights from Recent Events

The Unite!Widening project, launched in January 2024, seeks to weave itself into the fabric of the European University Alliance Unite!’s ecosystem, with a spotlight on the green transition and Horizon Europe Mission areas. This initiative sparked a dynamic three-part event series across Europe: from ULisboa’s Técnico Lisboa, Politecnico di Torino and Wroclaw Tech.

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EU Mission Adaptation to climate change workshop held at Wroclaw Tech – Report from the workshop

On June 18th , Wroclaw Tech hosted the event “EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change Workshop”, as the third part of Unite!Widening conference project. The event aimed to establish strategic research priorities specifically for Widening countries, which seek to increase their involvement in research and development activities , connected with EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change programs.

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EU Mission Adaptation to Climate change Workshop

You’re warmly welcomed to be part of the EU Mission’s Unite!Widening Workshop on Climate Change Adaptation. The aim of the event is to present the participation possibilities in the EU Mission Adaptation to Climate Change programs and calls.
The workshop will enable to exchange knowledge and formulate strategic research priorities for the Widening countries, with particular focus on top research priorities for Poland and Portugal.

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