Workshop “Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities European EU Mission”

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One of the specific objectives of the Unite!WIDENING project is to strengthen the global competitiveness and international visibility of the Universities, promoting the European Research Area policy and creating critical mass in key areas such as the green transition and Horizon Europe mission areas. 

The Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities plays a significant role in contributing to the green transition. It involves local, regional and national authorities, citizens and businesses to deliver 100 climate-neutral and smart cities by 2030 and ensure that these cities act as Experimentation and Innovation Hubs to enable all European cities to follow suit by 2050. The European Commission launched a Call for Expression of Interest addressed to cities that allowed cities to state their interest in becoming climate-neutral by 2030 as part of the Mission and to submit information on their current situation, ongoing work, and future plans with regard to climate neutrality. Torino has been selected as one of the 100 cities that participate in the Cities Mission. 

It is in this context that the Workshop “Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities European EU Mission” will take place at Politecnico di Torino, Italy, on May 17th. The event aims to inform about the future perspectives, challenges and funding opportunities of the Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities European EU Mission. Speeches will be given by distinguished guests: an EC Official, members of the EU mission board, the mayor of the City of Turin, and to conclude the event, a final round table to discuss concrete examples of participation, challenges and opportunities.

Check the complete programme here.

You may register here. The registration for the on-line participation is open until the 16th of May.

You can participate in the workshop following the link to the event.

17th May 2024, h. 9:00 – 13:00

Politecnico di Torino – Castello del Valentino, Viale Pier Andrea Mattioli, 39 – 10125 Torino (TO), Salone d’onore.

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About UNITE!Widening project

The Unite!WIDENING project, initiated in January 2024, was conceived to be a complementary project within the scope of the European University Alliance Unite! This project aims to amplify the visibility of scientific excellence and the valorization of knowledge from universities in Widening countries, and throughout the Alliance, through cooperation aligned with the major societal challenges embedded in the Missions. 

The consortium involves nine leading European universities in research and education, also partners of the University Alliance Unite!, two of them in Widening countries, two science and technology parks, a development agency, and an innovation management SME.

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