The X Unite! Dialogue: Shaping the Future of the European University

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Unite! Dialogues are the key format to raise the visibility of Unite! within the member universities and to disseminate the Unite! vision among university faculty, staff and students.

This year edition of the X Dialogue in Darmstadt will offer the opportunity  to participate in various management and working group meetings, including the interactive world café format, introduced for the first time to meet the growing demand for transversal exchange between the working groups. The event will also encompass transversal and plenary sessions, providing a comprehensive overview of the Alliance’s communities, focus areas and ongoing projects.

The aim is to cultivate and grow meaningful collaboration and knowledge sharing, with the overarching goal of advancing the shared objectives of Unite!. Parallel Community Working Meetings will take various forms such as community work meetings, sub-community work meetings, or closed transversal sessions organised with two or more sub-communities.

Transversal Working Meeting, Unite! World Café, a relatively new workshop format known for its simplicity, effectiveness and adaptability in accommodating large and diverse groups of participants. The World Café unfolds across several sequential rounds, during which participants engage in discussions centred around guiding question(s), moderated by the facilitator.

The choice of this workshop format for the X Dialogue in Darmstadt stems from several key considerations. The unprecedented gathering of all Dialogue participants under one roof presents a rare and invaluable opportunity for efficient and meaningful exchange among all communities. This convergence fosters effective networking, aiming to enhance participation levels and bolster motivation across all participants. Simultaneously, it provides a comprehensive snapshot of our current position within the overall project. Moreover, this format not only facilitates effective exchange but also encourages the development of new ideas. Participants are encouraged to offer feedback and collaboratively generate innovative concepts in a relaxed atmosphere devoid of hierarchies or disparities in knowledge. Additionally, the flexibility of this workshop format is noteworthy, as it can be readily tailored to accommodate the diverse needs, aims, and objectives of each community. This adaptability ensures that the Dialogue remains responsive to the evolving dynamics and priorities within the Unite! project landscape.

X Unite! Dialogue is a confluence of minds and ideas. In an exciting convergence of diverse perspectives this event aims to propel the European University toward an innovative future. Expect there vibrant discussions, transformative insights, and a rich tapestry of creativity as minds unite for a brighter tomorrow!

The XI Unite! Dialogue is coming to Barcelona, hosted by UPC!

From February 25 to 28, the Unite! community will meet in person once again for an edition dedicated to students and their role in shaping the future of the alliance. “Unite! students: our soul, our core” is the theme of this exciting event, packed with activities, interactive workshops, community work sessions, and high-level meetings with university leaders.