The XI Unite! Dialogue is coming to Barcelona, hosted by UPC!

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From February 25 to 28, the Unite! community will meet in person once again for an edition dedicated to universities, students and their role in shaping the future of the alliance.

“Unite! students: our soul, our core” is the theme of this exciting event, packed with activities, interactive workshops, community work sessions, and high-level meetings with university leaders.

Over four intense days, around 500 participants from the 9 partner universities of the Unite! alliance will come together. A unique opportunity for students, teachers, researchers, and staff connected to Unite!. This event marks an important opportunity for the Unite! alliance to come together, with students at the very heart of our mission. Our goal is to empower students, foster collaboration, and spark innovation that will shape the future of higher education in Europe. Each Dialogue is a new opportunity to grow, empower the community, and strengthen the identity of Unite!

At UPC, we are committed to infusing this Dialogue with our local cultural identity and showcasing the values that define us as a Catalan university. We hope that this Dialogue becomes not only a platform for collaboration but also an opportunity for you to immerse yourselves in the culture, history, and vibrant life of BarcelonaLourdes Reig (Unite! KLO at UPC)

Throughout the event, there will be meetings of the governing bodies of the alliance, as well as vice-rectors of the member universities, along with intense working sessions for the communities managing ongoing projects within the alliance. A special session will also be dedicated to presenting the progress of further projects within Unite!, as Unite! Widening, aUPaEU, or IDEM, alongside various activities led by the alliance’s social clubs, such as the Hiking Club, Cooking Club, and Chorus. Additionally, a poster session will allow different Unite! communities to showcase the advances in their respective projects.

Key Activities

Some of the highlights include the PhD Contest, where students will deliver a compelling research presentation in just 3 minutes, using only two slides. Also on the agenda are the U!Talks, where students will share their insights, stories, and passions on the topics that matter most to them. Both of these activities will be streamed live.

Additionally, a matchmaking session “Inspiring Young Technological talent” will connect university students with high schoolers in a hybrid format, featuring tech projects with social impact developed by Unite! students. These projects will inspire new collaborative challenges for high school students.

More information


    • Dates and location: Campus Nord UPC (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech)

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