The project aims to accomplish its objectives by improving research careers, skills, and collaboration across disciplines. The strategy delineates five specific working areas (work packages) aimed at enhancing networking, strengthening skills, and developing and sharing research and innovation capacities. It emphasizes the importance of collaboration and knowledge exchange to achieve the goals effectively.
WP Leaders: Fatima Montemor (ULISBOA), Luis Miguel Silveira (ULISBOA), Krystyna Kubiak (Wroclaw Tech), Nuno Cunha (AAVANZ), Agata Klaus-Rosińska (Wroclaw Tech)
WP Leaders: Federico Bosia (POLITO), Roberto Zanino (POLITO), Barbara Widera (Wroclaw Tech), Luis Correia (ULISBOA), Lidia Herrera (UPC)
WP Leaders: Rui Mendes (ULISBOA), Dorota Kuchta (Wroclaw Tech), Antonia Bobeva (Grenoble INP-UGA)
WP Leaders: Beatriz Silva (ULISBOA)
WP Leaders: Anna Hejno (Wroclaw Tech), Isabel França (ULISBOA), Joaquin Minguella (UPC)